Thursday, March 10, 2005


It's been a slow morning. So slow in fact, that if the afternoon gets any slower I am in danger of falling asleep, and will have to go for a walk to the petrol station kiosk next door and get... something. Probably a Redbull, even though, that is not really taking my fancy at the moment. Something else then... a Kitkat? And then I could kill at least 10 minutes with the kitkash actions online. Though I would need to eat several ton's of Kitkat chocolates before I would be able to get anything usefull, so maybe not.

The dinner plan for tonight says 'bangers and mash'. But maybe I could spend the afternoon trying to be creative with the ingredients in the fridge; sausages, potatoes, ½ suede, mustard, milk, butter, yogurt, cloudberry jam, apple juice... maybe I should bake a yogurt cake with cloudberry jam? Not that my 2 y.o. son would let me use his precious yogurts for something as grotesque as a cake. So 'bangers and mash' it is. Potato and suede mash with a mustard gravy perhaps?

What's for lunch?


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