Friday, April 15, 2005


We're all in a rush,
So we park our cars,
In the middle of the road.
Some listening to the radio,
Some getting frustrated,
with the car parked in front.
Others catch up on phonecalls,
Play with the airconditioning controls,
Or read a magazine.
We're all in a rush to get home,
stuck in a traffic jam.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sparkling I've tested many ways to drive consistent, quality traffic to my sites and hands down in terms of both sales and quick turnaround, If you are interested in guaranteed traffic you need this guaranteed traffic tool. Now because of the results is delivers, I never let it expire. I grab the traffic and then simply list five of my favorite affiliate programs to drive traffic to and shazam! Currently I'm averaging around $345. a day as a result. The really amazing thing is it only took me about three minutes to set up and no more than 30 seconds to renew my traffic when I get an email telling me it is about to expire. Apprecied your "Traffic" post. Oh, and by the way Sparkling, guaranteed traffic is all about sharing things that work so I would appreciate it if you could post things here that you've found to really deliver.

8:23 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger I've tried an awful lot of ways to drive consistent, quality traffic to my web sites and hands down in terms of both sales and quick turnaround, If you are even remotely interested in internet marketing you need this internet marketing tool. Now because of the results is brings me, I never let mine expire. I grab the traffic and then simply list five of my favorite affiliate programs to drive traffic to and presto! Right now I'm averaging about $345. a day as a result of this. And the really amazing thing is it only took me I'd say about three minutes to set up and no more than 30 seconds to renew my traffic when I get an email telling me it is about to expire. Enjoyed your "Traffic" post. Oh, and by the way Blogger, internet marketing is all about sharing things that work so I would appreciate it if you could post things here that you've found to really deliver.

9:39 pm  

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