Only in England...
"The 147-year-old timepiece [Big Ben] -- one of the most reliable in the world -- stopped at 10:07 pm, then started again, then stalled a second time at 10:20 pm where it remained for 90 minutes before it was reset.
Hot weather might have been to blame -- Friday was the hottest May in London since 1953, with a high of 31.8 degrees (90 degrees Fahrenheit) -- but no-one was certain."
Only in England does the weather get the blame for everything.
But, it is also only in England where a cup of tea fixes everything, so who forgot to give Big Ben his tea?
Hot weather might have been to blame -- Friday was the hottest May in London since 1953, with a high of 31.8 degrees (90 degrees Fahrenheit) -- but no-one was certain."
Only in England does the weather get the blame for everything.
But, it is also only in England where a cup of tea fixes everything, so who forgot to give Big Ben his tea?
Good point. Someone should have popped over to Tower Bridge with a nice brew when it got stuck in the open position yesterday ...
'Can't close properly dear? Don't worry. I've made you a nice cuppa with some digestive biscuits on the side. There, things don't seem half as bad now do they?'
National tea consumption has fallen steadily since the end of the last war. Britain's global influence has declined over the same period. Coincidence?
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