Thursday, May 05, 2005

Life is not a holiday

Randomly flicking through blogs I came across Gomad's Experiences, and it made me realise how much I miss my life.
I love my son, no mistake, I love him lots, but after paying his nursery fees there's not much left to spend on travelling and the likes. Sometimes, I wonder if going to work to pay his nursery fees, so I can go to work, isn't a little bit silly. It's not as if I am in a dreamjob with fab career prospects.
But I'm not going to complain, not this time, even though I really do feel like a right good moan.
"Stop moaning, and do something about it!", is my motto, or it ought to be, so I will stop moaning, and think about what I want to do about it.
Ok, so last week i wanted to get another job. I still do, but until I know which job it is that is going to make me feel less like complaining, there is not really much point in changing.
"A change is as good as a holiday", but holidays does not last forever.


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